Excited to report that today we began the recording phase of We Have Always Been Your Harbour, a play for voices. This project, part of the Ports Past & Present initiative, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme, is a 21st century response to Dylan Thomas’s 1954 radio drama Under Milk Wood, set in Rosslare Harbour. This 30-minute audio-production, written by myself, and co-produced by Harbour native Dan Comerford, draws on the history, lore, landscape and mythology of the area. We’re currently casting voice roles and will be scoring and recording over the next ten days. Thrilled to be in production. The project is set to go online in mid-June.
Website: http://portspastpresent.eu/
Twitter: @PortsPastPres
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Facebook: @portspastandpresent
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